Aid Data Hotline

On this page, we aim to offer free support to answer aid information/data-related questions on any topic (food security, sustainable agriculture, health, education, migrants, refugees and emergency responses, gender equality, water and sanitation, environment, climate change, etc.). Learn more in this FAQ or download this 2-pager.

Our team will not only provide answers but explanations with links and visuals to help you to search and fill similar needs on your own. See some sample answers in the *Q&A Blog*. In other words, short step-by-step tutorials based on real-life issues (see some sample questions on the right) describing how we got to that data/information with a replicable methodology:

  • clarifying the initial question
  • choosing proper online sources & search tools
  • drafting powerful search queries
  • double-checking results
  • scraping, cleaning, verifying, comparing data
  • visualizing results, etc.

We are currently looking for…

  • funders who might be willing to be associated with this new initiative
  • possible linkages with related programs
  • aid data experts to join the team of collaborators (terms of reference – PDF)

Ask an expert…

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